Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sydney's Luna Park

It had been many years since I had last walked through Luna Park. I can still remember as a kid coming here when the park was in its hey day. Though it certainly has changed from the days when a Ghost train fire changed its direction for ever and it faced certain doom. Having spent some years before in a derelict state facing uncertainty.

Though the big dipper may be no more, it was great to see that Luna Park is still alive bringing a day of fun for many Sydneysiders. It is surely a great place to go for an adventure. Plenty of people seemed to be walking around the park and were being entertained by the Luna Park clowns and other performers. There were also several weddings having their receptions in the reception rooms, one couple even took to the Merry-go-Round, for some photo's.

If you decide to come to Luna Park, I suggest taking the train or even the ferry, as the parking was $5.50 - 6/hour, something better spent on fun and enjoyment other then parking.
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Murphy's Glen

If your after a great camping location in the Blue Mountains one should not look pass Murphy's Glen. With the road in being two wheel drive accessible it provides a location that is surrounded by some of the tallest trees in the area.

Simply follow the signs near Woodford train station off the Great Western Highway and you'll soon be at the camping area. There is only a single windy loo here, but it was clean and had plenty of toilet paper.

If your intending to have a camp fire, you may wish to bring your own firewood as none is really provided. Though your not supposed to take firewood from the park, most of the other campers before you have already done it, so wood can be scarce.

Not a large sized camping area, so if your camping on a busy weekend you may have to arrive early to ensure a spot.

Make sure you bring water, as I didn't see any water tank or flowing creek on my visit, however the day vist area may have water, but I didn't check it out.

Overall, its a very peaceful camping area that offers easy access and well sheltered spots.
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Mt Banks Fire Trail

Spent the weekend in the Blue Mountains West of Sydney on the Mt Banks Fire Trail. Not far past the Mt Tomar Botanical Gardens on the Bells Line of Road, this fire trail offers superb views of the valley bellow and the surrounding sheer cliffs.

There is various tracks, one of which takes you to the peak of Mt Banks, while the main trail continues to the look out and beyound. Though the track is perfect for walking I decided to ride my mountain bike. There are a few hills but one can manage them very easily.

Make sure you have plenty of water and I'd suggest packing some snacks. On this occasion my friends and I stopped at the lookout and had lunch while enjoying the view. There is no shade at the lookout, so ensure you bring a hat. If you are there before midday you can shelter under one of the rocky outcrops, but take care as you are very close to s sheer drop.
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Monday, March 2, 2009

Old GPO Sydney

I still remember the old street directories that used to have an arrow pointing towards the GPO on every page. At that young age I probably didn't understand that it was pointing to Sydney's central post office. The building stands within Martin Place and though towered over by many tall buildings the spectacular clock tower still stands tall. With the clock keeping Sydney on time, the mail would have been quickly sorted in the bowels underneath.

Since about 1996 the GPO has been converted into a hotel with office space. No longer does the GPO serve as the GPO, however the great sandstone building remain, continuing to keep the grand structure on display.
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Lovers Jump Creek with its normal flow

After visiting this same waterfall about a week ago, I thought I would publish it again. This time the photo has been taken about a week or so after the last rainfall. As you can see the once spectacular waterfall is only a trickle. The water at the bottom looks a little clearer as the mud has settled, howeve the same amount of rubbish from floating tennis balls and bottles continues to litter the area.
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